FAQ / Trial Period |

PaintTool SAI - FAQ
Q. I downloaded SAI, but Trial period still expired.
Q. I re-installed SAI again, but Trial period still expired.
Previously this software was in development period, so trial period was renewed by monthly release, but on 2/25/2008 first production release of this software shipped, so there are no release for monthly trial renew version anymore.
Q. How to extend trial period?
This is for trial and evaluate purpose only, so you cannot extend it.
Q. Trial period suddenly expired.
If trial period suddenly expired, considerable reasons are:
- You change the internal clock on your PC.
- Battery had expired on your PC, and internal clock was affected.
- Other hardware specific reasons affected PC's internal clock.
By any of reasons, but unfortunately we cannot confirm individual reasons, we cannot recover the trial period again.
Q. Trial period was expired, but still I can run this application.
The trial expiration restrict save & load functions, but someone may want to check drawing responses again, so some functions like brush etc. are still enabled after the expiration.
Although this is only allowed for simple evaluation purpose, and to make entire pictures with trial expired software is against the SAI's 'Software License Agreement - 7. Prohibited' section.
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