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PaintTool SAI Development Room

Serious Bug Fix for SAI Ver.1
A serious bug "While saving a canvas, in rare cases the saved file may be lost if another program accesses the saving file." is dicovered in Ver.1.2.5 and earler verions. As we have not received any reports of this bug to date, we believe that the occurrence rate is low, but we cannot deny the possibility that your valuable works will be lost, so we released the corrected version as a test version.

Technical Preview Version of SAI Ver.2
This is a technical preview version of SAI Ver.2. Please remember this version will includes some bugs and inconveniences because this version is under development. Please do not use this version if you want to use stable version. And, this version requires basic skills for Windows operation. Please never use this version if you have not basic skills for Windows operation.

Minimum Requirement (For about a 2000px x 2000px canvas)
ComputerIBM PC compatible computer
OSWindows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10/11
CPUCore 2 Duo 1.6GHz
MemoryMore than 1GB
HDDMore than 20GB free space
Video1024x768 - 24bit Color
Input DevicePen Tablet (WinTab API and TabletPC API are Supported)

SAI Ver.2 64bit - 2024-11-23 Technical Preview (Zip File, 2.9M)
SAI Ver.2 32bit - 2024-11-23 Technical Preview (Zip File, 2.6M)

SAI Bristle Definition Bitmap Corrector (Zip File, 185K)
This is a program to correct invalid bristle definition bitmaps that can no longer be used from SAIv2 2024-02-22 version.

Originally, SAI silently ignored after the 64th hair points in bristle definition bitmaps. But recently we found that a lot of bristle definition bitmaps with hair points far exceeding 64 points has been circulating. To correct this trendncy, changed the bristle loader to reject incorrect bristle definition bitmaps from 2024-02-22 version.

This program rewrites the hair points after the 64th point to invalid values so that it can be used even after the 2024-02-22 version.
Basic usage is to extract all the ZIP files, run SaiBristleCorrector.exe in the extracted folder, and press the "Execute Correction" button.

How To Use:
The distribution is not an installer model. Extract all files(and folders) from the distribution Zip file, and run sai2.exe directly in the folder of extracted files. Please manage file associations and shortcuts for sai2.exe yourself.

How To Apply Your Software User License of SAI Ver.1 to the technical preview version of SAI Ver.2
If you have a license of SAI Ver.1, you are able to remove the lock of save and load features with your license.
Please download a new license certificate with the system id that got from SAI Ver.2 from the license certificate download form, and put it into either of the following folders.

  • 2020-01-07 Technical Preview or later:
    "<(My)Documents>\SYSTEMAX Software Development\SAIv2"
    (The folder included "error" folder and "settings" folder)

  • 2019-08-12 Technical Preview or earlier:
    "<(My)Documents>\SYSTEMAX Software Development\SAI2 Demo"
    (The folder included "error" folder and "settings2.ssd" file)

Abstract of Available Features

- Maximum canvas size up to 100000x100000px(64bit version) or 10000x10000px(32bit version).
- Supported file format:
    Load and save: SAI2(The private format of Ver.2) / PSD / PSB / BMP / JPEG / PNG / TGA
    Load only: SAI(Ver.1 format)

*) Load and save features are locked by software user license.

- Maximum number of layers up to 8190.
- Supported layer types: Normal, Folder, Linework, Shape, Text
- Supported layer properties:
    BlendingMode, Opacity, Protections, ClippingGroup, MovingGroup,
    PaintingEffect, PaperTexture, Visibility, LayerName.
- Supported multiple selection and operation for layer items.
- Supported Layer mask.

- Possible operations are Select, Invert, Deselect, Cut, Copy, Paste and Move pixels as floating.

- Possible operations are Pan, Zoom, Rotation and Horizontal flip.
- Alternative View and Floating View are available.

Common Tools
- Marquee, Lasso, Magic Wand, Shape, Text, Move, Zoom, Rotate, Hand and Syringe tools are available.

Tools for Normal Layer
- Pencil, Air Brush, Brush, WaterColor, Marker, Smudge, BinaryPen, SelectionPen, SelectionEraser, Bucket and Gradation tools are available.

Tools for Linework Layer
- Pen, Curve, Line, Eraser, EditPath, EditPressure, ChangeColor and ChangeWeight tools are available.

- StraightRuler and EllipseRuler are available.

Perspective Ruler
- PerspectiveRuler and PerspectiveGrid are available.
- Perspective rulers are created as layer objects.
- Supported 1 to 3 vanishing points.

About Features Request
I will read all emails of features request but I will not be able to reply to all request emails because I am one man team for development and customer support. Thank you for your understanding.
- Koji Komatsu - Programmer, President

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